Saturday, October 12, 2013

Worship Experience

          Going to church is a conscious obligation we must make every Sunday as Catholics. Conscious, because we must really mean it if we want to go to the church to worship God. An obligation, because it is the best way we can show our love and appreciation to Him.
            One Sunday, I attended Sunday school at Jesus is Alive Community with my nephew, Liam. I am a Catholic, but I prefer attending Christian Sunday school. The topic was about the popular story of the Prodigal Son. This story is taught to almost all of us since kindergarten. It is about a boy who demanded his father to give him all his shares of property, and later ran away to spend it on useless things. But finally, with no money left, he went home filled with remorse and guilt, and fell into his father’s awaiting arms.
            Needless to say, I already knew the story well. But the pastor related it to us teens in a very convincing way. He told us that the prodigal son is no different to us; we, teens, are too blinded by the riches of this world. We forget that money doesn't grow on trees, and we forget that our parents earned them by working hard and sacrificing so much to feed us and send us to school. We just take and take, not even bothering to thank and appreciate them.
            These words, said by a pastor I barely know, really did give me an impact it was intended to do. I remembered the times when I, too, was also blinded too much by money and possessions. I thought of all the things my mother worked hard to give me, yet still, I wasn't contented and kept asking for more. Sometimes, I don’t even think of her feelings. The pastor make me realize that whatever sins I have made, my family will always welcome me and forgive me wholeheartedly, and I shouldn't abuse their kindness and love. I learned to appreciate my family more, and to never again make money more important than them.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Retreat Experience

“Live a life of LOVE.”

            That was the theme for our retreat last September 18-19, 2013, at the Capuchin Retreat Center in Batangas. It was an overnight retreat with our teachers to renew our faith and fulfil our soul for God. So here are the happenings & my experiences in the retreat.
            All 4th year and Grade 6 students were told to be at school by 8am on September 18 for our preparations on the upcoming retreat. My friends and I were sooo excited, so we came at 7:30am. Our shirts were given, and we were all happy with its design, and the quote that was written on it. “Live a life of love.” it said. Of course, we didn’t know the true meaning of the quote at that time.

            We left at 9am, and the journey was kinda boring, yet you can hear little whispers about the students’ excitement. When we got there, it was lunch time already. We got out of the bus and were immediately caught by the beauty and peacefulness of the place. 

We all said the same conclusion; the retreat center looked like an academy. You know, like the schools where Hollywood actors shoot at on their films. Then we ate at small cottages outside, and had fun playing and looking around the venue. After, we went into the session hall and were given the rules and regulations for our stay. We were given our keys for our rooms, which I share Sofia and Gail, then again went back to the hall.

The pastor was introduced. He was a friend of our school's CE teacher, Sir Ian Lana. At first glance, he looks like a... normal dude. He didn't look like a pastor. We even thought he looked like Bam Aquino (hihi). But when he started to speak, he immediately caught our attention. He turned out to be a nice, God-fearing but funny pastor.

          We had a lot of activities during our retreat. There was a game called 'Samson, Delilah, and the Lion' or something like that. Then there were lessons and and stories that made us cry and realize the importance of our parents to us. And of course, the most emotional event, our sharing about our problems and heartaches to our advisers and classmates. That even made us, made ME, understand each and everyone more. After that, students apologized to each other, hearts and spirits were lifted, and of course, it bonded us closer to each other.
          The next day, we had our final lesson about purity. It was meaningful and had been such a great impact to most of us. And then, that was it. Our retreat was over. We went home with renewed faith and happy hearts.
          What I have learned the most in our retreat  was about understanding and learning to appreciate other people. Everybody has problems, and we shouldn't judge others without knowing them first. LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE. This retreat made us be closer to each other, and of course, love each other more.

Life Verse

“The Lord is my SHEPERD, I will NOT be AFRAID!”
                                                                                      Hebrews 13:6

The first time I heard the verse Hebrews 13:6, I was in 3rd year high school. I heard it from my 5 year old nephew who learned it from his school. When I heard the verse, it immediately got stuck on my mind. “The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be afraid.” I didn’t know why, but it immediately became my personal motto in life. Since then, it helped me a lot in my times of challenges in life.
            Why the heck haven’t I thought of this?” I asked myself. Through all of my problems, through all my fears, never have I reassured myself that, it’s okay, God is with me, even when no one else is. This verse became my reminder everytime I feel afraid of something.
            Like a shepherd takes good care, loves, and gives protection to his sheep, God does the same to me. He is my guide, my foundation, my rock. With Him, everything is possible. Hebrews 13:6 also taught me that with God, I can achieve my dreams. I used to be scared of pursuing my dreams on broadcasting, because I thought I wasn’t physically fit for it. But then I though, nothing is impossible if I have God with me. And now, I passed a scholar in Trinity University of Asia, and I am also eager to try out new schools and take on broadcasting. For I know, God is my shepherd. I have Him; He will take good care of me. I WILL NOT BE AFRAID! :)

Life Verse

Life Verse

Life Verse
"I have loved you with an everlasting love"
Jer. 31:3

I know that God loves us, but did I return all the favor to our father? All the things that I do cannot be changed in a matter of time. All the things that I have done wrong has been replenished by our loving and forgiving God.

He loves us, he take care of us and he forgives us for all the bad things that we done to him. He showing all his love to us because we wants us to return to him with all our heart and our clean minds showing that we love him. 

We must love God with all our hearts and minds on it. Like the love he gave us all. We should nourish all the love he gave to us and make his love be strong and think we could carry all the hatred that we experienced from the past. And thinking that God might help us to forget all the hatred that we encounter.

I must thank God for all the good things that he gave to me, and I am grateful that he gave to me all my supportive, loving and joyful family and friends. 


Worship Experience
Before I enter the church, I do the sign of the cross with holy water, it's like a sign of respect and love for God. Before I enter the church, I see many sculptures of God, his son, Jesus and his disciples. I also see see how huge the church from outside.

I go to church with my friends because I like them to be with me. It's like making my friends be religious and help them to love God and I want to influence them to go to Church. Like my friends at trinity, They influenced me to go to Church every Tuesday just to have fun and serve God.

When I am at the Church, the priest started talking and discussing something about God, it makes me and my friends happy. And the words that the priest talk about making me inspired. Sometimes the stories that the priest tells us to make us laugh and sometimes cry. The moment when I am at the church and leave the church made me very inspired and very happy. All I learn is to love God and nourish all the things that he have done to us.

Mural Painting

Mural Painting

Retreat Experience

Retreat Experience
First of all, The foods in the Capuchin Retreat Center was delicious, its like a five star restaurant, its heart stopping, I cannot stop liking it. But, the foods there is limited, once you order food, you cannot order again. Its delicious, next time I'm gonna eat there again..

The venue or the place at the Capuchin Retreat Center was very beautiful, neat and clean, its like a paradise. The rooms are very comfortable and huge. Plus, it has a shower and electric fan. I wanna sleep there anytime and I like that place and the rooms. I wanna go back there again.

As a student, all the activities and exercises on the Capuchin Retreat Center made me very happy. The activities when I share my personal life, when I play with my friends at the open field, stay at the nippa huts with my friends and when I go to the rooms of my classmates and talk with them and telling stories with them. I was very happy and I wanna make memories with them again. with them. I was very happy and I wanna make memories with them again.